Discussion (Sp21, Fa21)

In Sp21, I was assigned to be one of 2 TAs who would record live discussion sections to then post on the website, along with written notes, for the 1100+ students in the class to watch and review from. My teaching ratings in Sp21 were 4.68 as compared to a 4.36 department average, with universally strong personal feedback from students specifically on being prepared, reviewing the motivation behind concepts (big picture), and on the clarity of the notes I revamped.

Content (Sp21, Fa21)

Discussions and Notes: In Sp21, I wrote several discussion worksheets, and revamped a large portion of the circuits-module notes for the course to improve readability and conciseness. In Fa21, my focus will be on converting the notes to a more lasting, textbook format while continuing to fine-tune other course materials.

[as a student] iPython Circuits Notebook: I worked with 2 other students to create a circuits-oriented iPython notebook that showcased `lcapy`, a convenient way to build circuit diagrams and analyze circuit configurations (symbolically and numerically) in iPython. For any circuit, you can find the frequency response, cutoff frequencies, a bode plot, the thevenin equivalent, and so much more. Our professor, Anant Sahai took note of our work, awarding us extra credit in the class and recommending us for TA positions next fall (and I'm currently a TA under Prof. Sahai again in Fa21!).

For a full version of the notebook, see here.

Software (Fa19, Sp21, Fa21)

Study Group Formation: As part of a project team that began in Fall 2020 in 16A, I helped design and build a fully flexible framework to form study-groups for students based on survey responses, to facilitate remote learning (currently in use in 6 classes totaling over 2.5k students). The final product is enormously adaptable and scalable; any class can use it simply by specifying matching criteria and priorities. The results of this project have been measured with feedback surveys, and this tool will enable any professor to enhance the engagement of their students, especially in a time when many may feel left behind.


Software (Fa19, Sp20, Su20, Fa20)

Scripting Efficiency: Over 3 semesters, I optimized the back-end of 16A software significantly, expanding the Makefile-based content deployment system. I also integrated our content deployment procedures seamlessly with Datahub, a platform that hosts student iPython notebooks.

Website Overhaul: In Summer 2020, I revamped the website completely, incorporating additional useful features such as dynamic calendar highlighting, the ability to toggle course staff bios, helpful button display text, and more. The website aesthetics are far more elegant, with a color theme, intuitive table structures, and an updates section synced with the Piazza class forum.

Content (Fa19, Su20, Fa20)

Textbook I Wrote: In Summer 2020, I wrote a book that contains condensed content summaries and detailed practice problem solutions for all of the major concepts in the class. I've gotten very good feedback on the book, from students, TAs, and professors alike. I take the time to thoroughly explain problem-solving strategies, using high-quality LaTeX diagrams (small selection here). Spanning 12 chapters, the book has received over 33k visits so far since its deployment in mid-July 2020.

iPython Notebooks: In my first semester as a TA, I created several iPython notebooks on concepts such as determinants, linear systems, eigenvalues, and OMP. Linear algebra doesn't have to remain purely abstract; there's a lot to be learned from knowing how to visualize concepts (yes, there's a theme to my teaching philosphy 😊). I'd say the OMP notebook is my best one, and you can see all my demos listed under Fa19 here.

Discussion (Fa20)

Teaching Philosophy: In my teaching, I focused on communicating foundational concepts with full clarity; this approach paid off as students told me how they could spend more time solving problems than re-learning past content or doubting their approach. Fa20 made my 4th semester as a TA with a lot of teaching before that, but it was my first formal discussion section. My teaching ratings were 4.73 when the average was a 4.46.